Thursday, February 2, 2012


assalamualaikum hati,
sihatkah kamu?
siapakah gerangan yang menghidupkan hari-harimu?
Moga Allah jawapannya..

sedar atau tak, Allah bagi kita chances to get closer to Him..
everyday, every hour, every minute, every second..
tapi, kita sedar tak semua tu?
kita grab tak chances given by Him?
take it or leave it,
Dia tak rugi pape pun,
KITA yang rugi..

through out this week,
banyak sangat Allah bagi chances kat kite kan hati.

Dia bagi kite free weekend,
dan akhirnya weekend tu terisi dengan pelbagai aktiviti tarbawiy
He gave me chance to be with my adikss
He gave me chance to strengthen the ukhwah with the others yang join tarbiyyah
He gave me chance to sleepover dgn classmates (muslimah)
He gave me all those things for something,
He gave me all those things for me to prove myself as His slave..
For I know Him,
I know He gave me chances to fulfill my KI (tujuan hidup= khalifah n ahli ibadah)

and the chances He gave never stop!

and y'know what,
He gave me chance to meet someone that I always want to!
He sent me to Banquet Hall, UPM
He let me listen to the talk on 'Membina Generasi Rabbani'
He arrranged me to listen to Dr. Jum'ah Amin, which is 'Naib Mursyid Am Ikhwanul Muslimin'
(it's worth and i'll never be regret for return back to college at 1 a.m)
Allah letakkan diri ini untuk rasa yang diri ini mesti jadi generasi Rabbani.. (titik tolak mungkin)

Yes, He never let us alone,
For right now,
He gave me another resposibility
He sent me my murobbi to give such great words + DUSH!,
             "saudari berada di posisi S. Muhammad Al-fateh. Apa yang saudari lakukan sebagai persiapan 
              tentera saudari?

Aku tak sehebat Al-fateh,
kisah perjuanganku juga tak seunggul kisah perjuangan para sahabat,
Aku cuma tahu yang,
Allah bagi aku peluang,
untuk jadi seperti mereka
untuk menyambung perjuangan mereka
untuk tegakkan al-Haq di bumi ini..

say 'alhamdulillah' for He never let us alone, and for He always give us chances to get closer to Him :)

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