Saturday, February 11, 2017

minggu ni flare-up lagi
4 hari terlentang atas katil
bukan setakat tak pergi kelas, buku pun tak sentuh

bangun solat dan makan ubat ja

rasa macam penat sangat minggu ni

penat belajar, penat emosi, penat fikir

orang selalu mengadu down
dan aku akan cakap,
takpe, bangunlah balik
kita boleh


tapi bila diri sendiri yang down
sila lah nasihatkan diri sendiri


aku penat dengan manusia

tapi, mana boleh kan?

dear self,
taktahulah ok tak fake it till you make it
but you've gone through a lot
this is just another hurdle of life

keep going
and brave

don't get bothered by those people
who don't even deserve you in their life
they don't worth your thought
(k ayat ego skit)

purify your heart
focus on achieving your dream
your remaining time is gradually lessen



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