Monday, August 22, 2011

saya rasa macam sangat happy

siriyes lame x upadate blog
bukan xde mase, ade je mase since Allah bagi equally 24/7 kat semua org kan..

tahu x?
Allah sayang kita sangat-sangat
tahu x?
Dia selalu confess His love to us..
tahu x?
kite je yg selalu x prasan Allah stalk kita
tahu x?
ada satu cara nak...

balas cinta Allah
confess our love to Allah
interact dengan Allah

apa tu?
ha.. mesti x sabar nak tahu tips dari org yg sngt happy ni kan
ni diaa
siriyes best!!!
ditambah plak dengan kecomelan members QC.. heee
okey, dah start rindu walaupun tiap2 hari jumpe..

kenapa QC?
we talk about His love
we share ways to get closer
to HIm
we motivate each other to always find Him
we strengthen each other by sharing love letter (Al-Quran's verses) from Him
and, the most important thing is..
we do it together!! :)

lagipun, takkan nak masuk syurga sorang-sorang
lagi syok masuk syurga ramai-ramai
dalam satu barisan yang kukuh (refer 61:4)
nanti boleh jumpe Allah same-same
sape yg taknak jumpe The Creator kan...
conclusion : siryes sangat happy bila duduk-duduk dalam QC
:)) *senyum sampai telinga non-stop for an hour*

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